vendredi 20 novembre 2015

Why You Need Flu Shots DC

By Mattie Knight

Flu vaccines should be sought once a year. To note is that the vaccine effectiveness depends on the characteristics of the person receiving it. Nonetheless, it still plays a major role in protecting the recipient against the infection and other illnesses related to it. Therefore, if you want to minimize trips to the doctor because of flu-related conditions, just get a flu shots DC.

Nevertheless, getting vaccinated is not an assurance that you will never suffer from the infection your entire life. The shot offers full immunity to some people but others still have to battle the illness. The good news is that the disease is not usually severe amongst the vaccinated population.

The shot not only protects the one vaccinated but those in his or her immediate environment. Remember that the flu virus is air-borne and being in an ill-ventilated environment exposes one to the infection. Therefore, for your benefit and also those around you, ensure you get vaccinated against influenza annually. Those with chronic medical conditions and the elderly are at a risk of suffering from the infection and vaccination should be emphasized among this population in city Washington, DC.

Children are also included in the population at risk. The chances of developing very serious medical complications are reduced by getting vaccinated against flu. Therefore, hospitalization and mortality rates can be brought down by this simple procedure. People will be able to focus more on building the country than spending time at the clinic. The government will spend less on medical care and thus development will be accelerated.

In pregnancy, the unborn child depends on the stability of its mother immune system. Therefore, all pregnant women should ensure that they get the shot. After delivery, the child should be vaccinated properly though. Neonates are so fragile and they are less likely to survive following influenza infection especially if they never got a flu shot.

There are so many flu virus variants and they appear at different period through the year. Thus, if you are lucky to get a vaccine which perfectly matches the influenza virus, then rest assured you are well protected against this infection. Your health status and age also determine the efficiency of the vaccine. Being young and physically fit increases the chances of the getting full immunity.

Researches are tirelessly working towards discovering a vaccine which would offer total protection against all the influenza viruses in the environment. Nonetheless, the current one is better than none and everyone should procure it. People with disorders of the heart, liver, kidney or the metabolic system are likely to suffer from this infection. Additionally, those with lung diseases, morbid obesity, asthma, disorders of the endocrine system or the blood system get infected easily too.

Flu signifies weakened immunity and this means that the ability of the body to fight infections is low. The situation is dire in the population with compromised immunity. They include chronic steroid users, HIV/AIDS patients and those diagnosed with cancer. A regular vaccination plan for such individuals should be maintained and they should be taken to the doctor in case any flu signs and symptoms appear in Washington City, DC.

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