lundi 20 février 2017

Some Info Before Visiting A French Bulldog Breeder WA

By Jerry Long

Nowadays quite a lot of people are getting dogs as pets, and many are getting French bulldogs as their companion of choice. Perhaps it also has tickled your fancy to get this kind of dog and as you are now living in Seattle WA you are now raring to visit the nearest French bulldog breeder WA. However, prior to buying a puppy, do read on in this article for some information that you may find useful in making your final decision and commitment.

In short, the breed is sometimes lovingly called a frenchie by enthusiasts and breeders alike. Comparing it with is cousin the English bulldog, one will immediately see that it is much smaller with a more compact and rounder body and smaller legs. Its face, when looked at directly from the front will appear quite bat like, probably because of the presence of ears that are always erect.

Most dog owners of this breed will give a rating of medium as regards its energy. Despite this fairly high rating, it is quite okay with not moving around too much around the whole day, just like the English bulldog. Thus being such, this dog will do perfectly well as a companion in small living spaces such as condominiums and small apartments in urban areas. It is however advised that you do give it at least a 30 minute walk everyday to help it dissipate its excess energy.

Will have its share of medical complications foremost of which is its inability to regulate its inner core temperature. This is because it has a very compact airway due to its physical size as well as this being coupled with a pug nose. It will not do for you to keep it in climates that are on the extreme level of the spectrum such as tropical or sub arctic climates or it will die. It is best for owners to keep it in areas with a temperate climate.

The lifespan of this particular dog is quite short when compared to others, being only about eight to ten years on average. However you may still be able to extend it a bit with proper nutrition guidelines and maintenance programs from your vet. In addition, do watch out for eye complications such as cataracts as its age progresses.

Many owners of this dog will tell you that this is one real attention monger once you own it. It will demand more attention than any other regular dog and if it feels that it is not getting the requisite attention that it feels it needs, it will let out the French death yodel. This is an eerie sounding ululating moan that it lets out when it is disappointed. Thus always give it the attention it craves.

It is a breed that lacks the alpha male behavior seen in the English bulldog, that is to say that it is not a bully, no pun intended. It can live quite well along with other animals and is safe to keep with children for it exhibits a maternal instinct for those it cares for.

When you finally do visit a breeder then make a good ocular inspection of what is going on in the compound. See if the animals are well kept and clean and taken cared of. Also try to gauge the attitude of the breeder and see if he or she is in the business not purely for profit but they also do genuinely care for the animals, which is an attitude absent in a puppy mill.

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