mardi 17 juillet 2018

Tackling Teenage Obesity Using Youth Fitness Camp Miami

By Diane Sanders

Youths form a significant part of the American population. As it is commonly said by the scholars of Ivy League institutions, the US is a young nation. It is not an aging nation such as Japan. That shows that America has a bright future ahead. The future workforce is guaranteed but only if the young will grow to become responsible and healthy adults. That will not be the case if many American teenagers become obese. A person who owns and operates a youth fitness camp Miami is a person who cares about the future health of US teenagers.

A fitness camp is no longer a luxury. It is a basic need. Already, many Americans have signed up their children to this program. A parent who cares will help his child to fight obesity. The current rate of teenage obesity is worrying. If nothing is done, this rate will keep on increasing to crisis level. The American adult obesity rate is already a disaster.

Obesity is one of the leading causes of preventable death. It causes a number of diseases. Most cases of heart disease can be attributed to obesity. Although there are people who are born with diabetes, many others usually get diabetes as a result of being overweight or obese. It is sad that diabetes is even affecting many American children.

Obesity has become one of the famous American trends. It seems that everyone and his sibling are obese. In some cases, it is even the entire family. The number one cause of teenage obesity is sedentary lifestyle. Teenagers spend a lot of time indoors. That will not happen when a teenager is in a fitness camp. He will be very active.

Sport is important. It will make a person active and as a result improve health. The best hobby that a person can have is sport. An active hobby is better than a passive hobby. During the camping process, there will be a lot of sport. The instructors in question will make a young individual to fall in love with the different sports.

The exercise that will greatly help an obese teenager is running. This exercise trains all the areas of the body. During the camping process, there will be running every day. This is an aerobic sport. Thus, it will help the heart. It will also help an individual to lose weight. Being fat distorts appearance and increases various health risks.

Being active is just but one side of the equation. The other side involves diet change. Exercising will actually be of little or no help if a teenager still eats unhealthy foods. By the time a young person will be leaving a fitness camp, he would have already adopted a healthy diet. This kind of diet will improve the quality of his life.

Teenage obesity is an issue that demands urgent attention. Already, the US government has invested a lot of money in tackling this issue. Schools even have programs concerned with this matter. However, charity begins at home. It is the parent who should take the initiative of helping his child to conquer obesity. Parents need to be aware about the different fitness camping programs.

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