mercredi 8 mai 2019

How Stem Cell Treatment Centers Hope To Change The Future

By Frances Moore

Conquering deadly diseases has been a relentless pursuit of mankind since the beginning of time and much progress has indeed been made. Medical conditions that used to mean an almost certain death are now routinely treated successfully. Many conditions that cannot be cured yet can be managed and many years can be added to the lives of patients. Billions are invested in research programs, including in stem cell treatment centers where scientists believe that bone marrow transplants will be the future of medicine.

Bone marrow transplants are not new. They have been performed for a number of years on very ill patients suffering from leukemia and other blood related cancers. These patients, after receiving repeated chemo treatment, have very poor immune systems. With bone marrow transplants, it is hope to encourage the growth of new blood cells to replace those destroyed by the drastic chemo treatment.

Bone marrow transplants are by no means a cure for any type of cancer, at least not yet. At present it is nothing more than an effort to prolong the lives of very ill patients. Scientists believe that this will change, however. They think that bone marrow transplants will eventually be effective in curing many different types of cancer. But progress is very slow and no results are foreseen for at least a few years.

It is not only progress in the treatment of cancer that interests scientists in this field. They also believe that bone marrow transplants have the potential to cause the growth of new brain cells to replace the ones damaged or destroyed by brain injuries and brain related dread diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer. Progress in this direction will, without a doubt, be a major step in the history of medicine.

Heart disease is also under the magnifying glasses of researchers in this area. They believe that it would eventually be possible to replace damage to the heart by growing new cells to replace damaged or destroyed ones. Heart disease remains one of the biggest killer diseases all over the world and a breakthrough in this field would certainly save millions of lives. Much still needs to be done, however.

Despite the high hopes that researches have for the potential of bone marrow transplants, the entire issue remains extremely controversial. Critics say that these transplants are not only very dangerous, but that there is not a shred of scientific evidence that it holds any benefits whatsoever. The fact that bone marrow is routinely harvested from the umbilical cords of unborn babies is also a major issue of contention.

Critics also point out that formal research results into the field of bone marrow transplants and its potential uses are particularly noticeable because there are no published results. Researchers in that field are overly optimistic at best and deliberately misleading at worst, critics say. False expectations are created and both patients and funders are being misled about the benefits that can result from further expensive research.

Despite the controversy and criticism against research into bone marrow transplants, one hope that the results scientists are hoping for will indeed come true. Many millions of lives will be saved and mankind will have a major victory over many diseases. Results are still a way off in the future, however.

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