jeudi 18 septembre 2014

Get A Better Posture By Following These Steps

By Rebecca Amika

There are many things that slouching looks good on. You are not one of those things. Maybe it is hip to have a slouchy looking bag or slouchy boots, but a straight posture is what looks good on people.

I am sorry if I sound blunt. I do not intend to hurt any feelings today. I just want to make a simple point and ensure that you are doing everything in your power to get where you want to be as far as your body goes. Today, I will be giving you a few easy exercises to perform that have proven to enhance your posture dramatically.

Before I go into detail about how to improve your posture, I would like to tell you quickly how it will improve your overall success in getting the curves you want.

Over extended periods of time, slouching causes weakened muscles, back and joint pain, spinal problems, and even greatly reduces your flexibility. All of these things limit your ability to burn calories and lose weight. Obviously, we do not want this while we are trying to improve our bodies. So , let us get down to the facts and what you can start doing today to improve your overall posture.

First, I would like to talk to you about a very important exercise that is really simple to perform. It is called the head forward. All you need to do is pull your chin in and down towards your sternum. You will hold that position for 5 seconds and repeat 10 times per day. This is going to loosen up the muscles behind your neck.

This next exercise you will perform 12 times per day every single day of the week. Do not worry, it is really easy and painless. All you need to do is lay face down and extend your arms out to your sides. Lift your arms up a few inches and squeeze your shoulder blades toward each other holding for 5 seconds. Repeat that 2 more time to complete a set. Do 12 sets a day and you are done. All of the sets do not have to be done at the same time.

Now you move on to what I call the interior pelvic tilt. This exercise loosens your hip flexors. To perform this exercise you will need to kneel down with your right foot in front of you flat on the ground and your left knee on the ground directly under you. Press forward and tighten your left butt muscle until you feel a comfortable stretch. Now reach upward with your left arm and stretch as far to the right side as you can, holding that position for 30 seconds. Do 3 reps on each side daily.

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