vendredi 16 janvier 2015

Many People Are Trusting In Reiki Healing

By Beverly C. Ralph

Modern medicine does not always have all the answers. Reiki healing is done in a quiet place where one is unlikely to be disturbed. Most professionals will play soft music putting the client as ease but if one prefers silence that can be done as well. Each session can last from one hour to one and a half but if the setting is in a hospital or nursing home the length can be about fifteen to twenty minutes each.

Many professional medical individuals classify this as oriental medicine and it is believed to transfer energy through a person's palm allowing for self healing and a state of balance. It was first practised on those that suffered from asthma and abdominal pain with surprising results. There are two different forms and are referred to as the Traditional Japanese Reiki and the Western Reiki.

After the first session has been completed many might not feel any different then when they first went in. Others experience a feeling that they are hovering in a state of consciousness but still aware of where they are. Some are known to have fallen into a deep meditative state.

A Japanese Buddhist developed this practise in 1904 after he became so ill he nearly died. He went to a mountain near Kyoto where he spent nearly a month meditating on life and realized the power of life's energy force which gave him new knowledge and called it Reiki. He spent seventeen years perfecting the practise and taught over two thousand people during his life span.

Each session can last up to half an hour or even as long as ninety minutes with a minimum of four sessions. The hands are placed very lightly on or just above the person's body with the palms facing down. They will then use from twelve to fifteen different hand positions and each position will be held for up to five minutes. Once the practitioner feels that the tingling or heat sensation has gone or slowed he will move on to another point.

Many people whom first arrived were very sceptical but later reported that they did feel calmer and more able to deal with their problems. Once the mind and body feel calmer all the pain seems to subside. Many addicts are used to touch as being harsh but with a caring and loving touch all the tension seemed to drain giving them a feeling of peace and safety for the first time.

The healing helps one to centre and clear the mind as well as to increase self esteem and self worth. It does not replace any current medicine but does help in one accepting liability for their happiness and wellbeing. This is not an outline of belief but a system based on ancient healing methodologies.

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