dimanche 5 juillet 2015

Choosing The Best Lyme Disease Supplements

By Dorthy Lloyd

Lyme disease is caused by a bacteria transmitted to humans through tick bites. The resulting infection spreads throughout the body and can affect the heart, joints, and nervous system. Lyme disease supplements may provide relief for individuals suffering with this condition.

Individuals bitten by ticks rarely develop this condition because not all ticks carry the specific bacterium necessary to transmit it. In order to contract the disease, the tick must be infected. Removing the tick as soon as possible after attachment lowers the risk of infection.

Lyme disease is difficult to diagnose because so many symptoms mimic unrelated health problems. Symptoms may move quickly from one physiological system to another, further complicating the process of diagnosis. Some of the more common symptoms are insomnia, joint pain, mood swings, irritable bowel, migrating pain, and headaches. Sometimes a physician will diagnose the illness by identifying specific antibodies in a patient's blood test.

Symptoms of this bacterial illness occur in phases. The first phase involves redness of the skin at the bite. The area of redness expands out from the bite. The symptoms become worse with time.

Treatment of this condition with antibiotics is often effective when physicians catch it in its earliest stages. Doctors advise patients to take the antibiotics for up to four weeks. The type of medication will depend on how early the infection is caught.

Patients lacking healthy levels of certain vitamins and minerals will have a more difficult time quickly recovering from this condition. Physicians should test for any deficiencies in zinc, vitamin D and vitamin B. Patients who need to add more can take oral supplements or adjust their diet accordingly. In addition to helping the body fight infections, all B vitamins support healthy cellular and neurological function.

Individuals can supplement the diet with other nutrients to reduce recovery time. Magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids, found in fresh fish, are necessary for healthy cellular function. Turmeric is a spice used most often in Indian food recipes. It contains curcumin, which is a powerful anti-inflammatory.

A lack of the proper amount of good bacteria in the digestive system can interfere with recovery. Encouraging good bacteria growth is necessary if the body has the improper balance of good and bad bacteria. Consuming goat's milk yogurt, kefir, fermented vegetables, or other foods rich in probiotics can stimulate the growth of good bacteria.

People who suspect they have this illness, especially if they have recently been in a forest or other wooded area, should see a qualified physician for a proper diagnosis. The sooner the patient can begin treatment, the faster the recovery time will be. Supplementing antibiotic treatment with a nutritional diet containing probiotics, vitamins, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids can aid recovery. Individuals who fail to seek treatment early are at risk of the disease developing to later stages, which puts the nervous system at risk. This will require the physician to use more aggressive treatment options.

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