lundi 6 juillet 2015

Life Events That Usually Affect Womens Health Reno

By Jordan Schmidt

It is believed that women are stronger than men. Many research papers about womens health Reno, NV have proven this fact. Men die younger and are more prone too illness and disease.

Women rule the roost in the family and need to stay hale and hearty. They recuperate faster and complain less. They can handle more pain overall. Coming of age into adulthood happens at about 18 although maturity comes earlier. At one time, women married at this age before the job revolution and the feminist movement.

A girl becomes a woman at her 18th birthday. This is the time when she is of legal age to take in substances such as alcohol. Alcohol in moderation is good for the health. Too much however is harmful especially for a woman. Because women are biologically smaller than men, the effects of alcohol are spread faster in the bloodstream. Moreover, because alcohol becomes dispersed through water in the body, its effects will take a longer time to dissolve in a woman's body because it has less water.

This is also the age of sexual discovery. Parents must have taught sexual education to their daughter early on. Knowing how to protect herself will keep her away from sexually transmitted disease and more deadly illnesses like AIDS.

Moving to a new home or a new job also greatly affects the health. The body has a comfort zone and once you take it out from there, the immune system is shocked. Not only this, psychologically, she will be shaken as well because she has a lot of adjusting to do.

Women are affected by the environment: pollution, allergens, dust mites, and the like. Health can be compromised if they live in certain locations. A woman can have allergies to pets. In addition to miscellaneous factors, some of which are avoidable, women can have innate issues that require medication and supplements to correct. Some lack vitamin B or D, the latter if they live in a foggy climate.

Pregnancy may be one happy event but the immune system is at its lowest at this time. A pregnant woman will have difficulty digesting food and because she is sharing nutrients to her baby, she will be nutritionally deficient.

The immune system controls the good health a woman can experience and a weakened one can wreak havoc on well-being. It is important to maintain a limited schedule when pregnant and not to tax bodily functions, particularly in the later months. Digestion may be more difficult during the pregnancy causing temporary problems. Furthermore, if a woman is unduly nauseous, it may affect appetite and therefore result in some type of malnutrition.

The death of a loved one is a tragic event that can greatly affect a woman. Research says that traumatic events cause a negative effect on a woman's heart. During these times, she need more emotional and mental support more than ever. A woman has different health needs than men. During the ups and downs of life, a healthy body is important for a person to enjoy or survive these moments. A healthy lifestyle will always pay off in the long run.

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