vendredi 18 décembre 2015

Aspen CO Chiropractor Alleviates Slipped Disc Pain Safely

By Kenya File

If you are having low back pain it may be an indication of a slipped disc. Discs are made up of a tough outer area and a softer gelatinous inner core. If the tough outer area is weakened or injured the soft tissue may ooze out. This describes a herniated disc, which is a more accurate term then slipped disc. Part of the disc touching a nerve causes pain. See your Aspen CO wellness chiropractor for assessment and pain relief.

The spinal column has twenty six vertebrae. Discs act as shock absorbers and separate the vertebrae allowing the spine to be flexible. A disc can be injured when it receives sudden impact from an accidental event. Heavy lifting, especially when associated with repetitive job activities can also cause injury. Poor health may weaken body parts and predispose a person to injury.

Obesity can also be a contributing factor. Discs can be damaged or weakened due to excess and continual pressure with excessive weight. Proper nutrition and maintaining a healthy body weight contribute to overall health and reduce the risk of injury. Unhealthy habits like smoking and drinking can increase the possibility of injury.

Aspen chiropractors will assess your overall health. They will evaluate your nerve function and muscle strength and ask about your medical history. Imaging studies may be ordered if appropriate. The doctor may perform a spinal decompression. This includes a series of manipulations and body placement to decompress the parts of the spine.

For pain relief some doctors use far infrared therapy, known as FIR. When the FIR energy is applied to the body, it is absorbed and reduces pain and inflammation. Circulation is improved and the immune system is activated. Your care might include functional diagnostic medicine when samples of the blood, saliva, stool and urine are taken and tested. These tests can pin point troubled areas in the body which may be impacting the spine.

Your chiropractor uses these non invasive methods to improve your condition and alleviate pain. If possible avoiding surgery with its inherent risks is preferable. Chiropractic care is safe and natural.

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