mardi 24 mai 2016

Most Effective Opiate Addiction Treatment

By Janet Reynolds

The number of individuals abusing pain medications is at a record high. For years now, it has become quite the health disaster, and it keeps on claiming many lives on a daily basis. As it stands, it is estimated that a total of well over 12 million individuals in the U. S alone are addicted to using one or more painkillers and opiate-derived drugs. The problem has been exacerbated ten-fold owing to the ease of access to the substances. They are readily available, and this gives the authorities a real headache when it comes to controlling their flow and distribution and when dealing with opiate addiction treatment.

So out of hand is the situation that some states are now referring to it as a state emergency. The governors in states like Vermont are so worried about the state-of-affairs that they have requested for millions of dollars from the federal government to help with the recovery and treatment options. The governments are worried by the released figures showing there are now 12 million individuals in the U. S alone suffering from the dependence to pain killers. These millions of people have become slaves to the substances for a variety of needs.

Medical experts like to think of the drugs as being gateway drugs. Once an individual starts using, there is very high likelihood they end up advancing and upgrading to stronger drugs. What happens is that with time, they develop a more robust tolerance to get them to the same highs they got the last time they abused the drugs. Opiates are some of the most addictive substances, and they build up tolerance faster than three-quarters of all the other commonly abused drug substances.

Getting clean and doing away with the dependence is tough. Once you are hooked, it becomes an ever uphill task to walk away from the menacing grasp of the painkillers. Trying to cease the habit abruptly is a sure recipe for disaster. Withdrawal effects are the most adverse side-effects facing the addicts.

Withdrawal is often a very painful ordeal. The characteristics are excessive night sweats, insomnia, anxiety and depression, paranoia and hallucinations, fatigue and muscle sores, and nausea and vomiting. Increased heartbeats are common too.

A majority of the treatments available today are still in their experimental and research states. They make use of a combination of regimens to attempt to help the addicts flush out the drugs from their systems. Medications commonly used are methadone, naltrexone, and buprenorphine. The treatment drugs make it difficult for the permanent bonding of the chemical substances to the vital receptors in our brains, and consequently, they prevent addiction from taking over our bodies.

Medications always work hand in hand with other treatment options. For assured recoveries, experts request patients to mix the drugs with the guidance and counseling. Talking to people always helps to work wonders with the rebound process. Developing a support network is great for the patients since it makes sure they keep on the right path and avoid the triggers which might cause them to slip and slide back to addiction.

Treating addiction arising from the use of the drugs mentioned here is not easy. It requires tons of money. Most important thing, however, is for the suffering individuals to make it crystal clear that they have a positive state of mind. The addicts have to desire and want to recover come what may.

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