lundi 19 septembre 2016

When Enjoying Home Health Care Indianapolis Patients Can Stay In The Comfort Of Their Houses

By Jessica Rodriguez

Nobody knows what the future holds. An accident, injury, a disease or simply old age may render people unable to continue with their day to day lives without assistance. It can happen to anyone and at any age. The level of assistance required differs from patient to patient but in many cases, without home health care Indianapolis patients will find it difficult to maintain a quality life style.

Just like death, frailness, debilitating diseases and injuries are not topics most people want to think about. The very idea of being dependent upon a stranger is humiliating for many people and they simply assume that their families will look after them if it becomes necessary. This is often wishful thinking because many families do not have the time or the skills to care for an invalid, especially over a long period of time.

Statistics show that more than 80 per cent of people over the age of 60 will need some form of assistance at some stage. There is even a bigger number of people below the age of 60 that will sustain serious injuries or contract dread diseases that will necessitate assistance on an ongoing basis. Unfortunately, most standard insurance policies will not pay the cost of full time caregivers.

Thankfully, many insurance companies offer special policies specially designed for circumstances where the policy holder will need the services of a caregiver. The statistical probability of ever needing such services should be enough to motivate most people to purchase such insurance. It may just mean the difference between a decent life style and a miserable existence in an institution.

The type and frequency of assistance needed by the patient will determine the type of help that is needed. Many patients will need help only until they are recovered. Others need help only occasionally and yet others need round the clock help. There are, unfortunately, also cases where the level of care required is so intense or specialized that it is better to admit the patient to a specialized institution.

Experts agree that it is best for the patient if he is able to stay in the familiar surroundings of his home. It is very important to prepare the patient for the fact that a caregiver will be sharing the house with him. Many patients are resentful and even ashamed about the fact that they need assistance. In some cases it may be beneficial to motivate the patient to volunteer for counselling.

When hiring a caregiver it is important to check the references offered and to make sure that the applicant is experienced in assisting patients in similar circumstances. The caregiver should be willing to enter into a written agreement that stipulates their duties, their remuneration and other responsibilities. It may be advisable to agree on a probation period and the input received from the patient must be deemed important.

Far too many patients have no option other than to live in regimented institutions where they have to follow a set routine. In most cases this is not the ideal solution. It is therefore vital to plan for such eventualities and to make provisions for the cost of private care.

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