dimanche 21 mai 2017

Effective Treatments For Abdominal Pain Relief

By Amy Wood

Stomach ache can be pretty uncomfortable and there are so many factors that can be the cause of it. Usually home remedies prove to be effective or abdominal pain relief so you don't necessarily have to take any medications. If the pain remains persistent or if its getting worse despite the home remedies then you should consult a doctor straightaway.

Chamomile tea is regarded as an effective treatment for stomach ache. It contains antioxidants and other natural elements that sooth the abdominal muscles and you no longer feel any discomfort. You could drink chamomile tea before going to bed or after your meal but avoid drinking it too much as it can have laxative effects if consumed in high amounts.

Mint tea is also very healthy and effective in this regards. You could either buy mint teabags or make your own with fresh mint. Just pour hot water in a mug, some mint leaves and a few drops of fresh lemon juice. If you get tummy ache due to indigestion or acidity, mint helps in relieving all such symptoms. You should make it your habit to drink mint tea after every meal.

Other than drinking diverse sorts of tea, another home cure that helps a great deal amid torment is hot pack or boiling point water bottle. It doesn't need to be hot, in reality simply make it serenely sufficiently warm and put it on your tummy, the warmth from the pack would sooth your muscles giving them an unwinding impact. Now and then, its only all that anyone could need to dispose of the agony at the same time, at times, when you dispose of the pack, the torment returns once more.

If for some reason, the problem is not getting any better despite following home remedies, then you should consult a doctor as he can assess the root cause of the problem. Over the counter medications are also available that you could use and they are pretty safe to use.

In extreme cases, your doctor might suggest further tests to be conducted to find the root cause of the problem. But, usually abdominal pain is not something to worry about and it subsides on its own in a day or two.

Even when you have a stomach ache, no matter how severe it is, you still need to eat food, you just can't stop eating. In order to ensure that the problem is not further aggravated you should consume bland food items that do not contain any spices at all. Try eating fruits and steamed vegetables. You might also be advised to avoid meat and poultry products as they are a bit heavy to digest.

Rice water is also regarded as an effective home remedy. This water actually contains starch and other elements that help to subside the pain and the aggravated stomach muscles are calmed down to a certain extent. Its pretty easy to male rice water, just place one cup rice and two cups of water in a sauce pan, bring it to boil and take it off once the rice are tender. Drain the rice and store the water in a glass or a jug so that you can consume it later.

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