vendredi 9 mars 2018

Information About Naming A Race Horse

By Carol Wagner

Owing a pony can be quite exciting. One of the privileges that you get out of this is that you get to come up with a name for the pony. However, you must note that naming a race horse is not just a random concept and that you can come up with whatever name you want. There are rules and regulations as to how you name the animal. Here are some guidelines that you ought to keep in mind when you are coming up with the name.

You cannot give the stallion a name that is over 18 letters long. This includes any spaces and punctuation used. In addition, the name has got to have at least some letters, since a numbers only name will not be accepted. You can opt to give the stallion a one word name or you can join together different names to form one name.

It is not possible to name the pony after another one. If the name is taken, it's gone. Use online search tools to check if the name is available or if it has already been taken. You cannot even give your stallion a name that sounds close to the name of another pony. Even if you spell the name in a different way it will not be accepted. In addition, you cannot give the pony a name belonging to a company or brand name. For example, you cannot name your animal Samsung.

The name you give the stallion should not be offensive or obscene in any way. It should also not be offensive to any particular people group. This includes political, religious or ethnic groups.

You cannot give the animal the name of another person. This is whether you know the person or not. You cannot name them after a celebrity or one of your friends or family members, unless that person has given their written consent agreeing to this.

The selected name should not end with the word horse or a variation of the name. That is, terms like stallion, colt, filly, mare, steed or pony. You also can't give the pony the name of a race or a racetrack.

It is important that you name the animal before it gets to two years old. When submitting names to the Jockey Club for approval, you have to submit multiple names and the club will pick one name. If you are unhappy with the chosen name, just pay a fee to have it changed. Names can be changed as long as the animal hasn't raced yet or been bred.

You cannot reuse names previously used by other ponies, unless at least five years have elapsed since it was raced and bred. If for any reasons you cannot absolutely come up with a name for your steed, then you can leave it up to the Jockey Club to select one for you. Once the name has been selected, it will be registered and then tattooed on the upper lip of the stallion. This is for easy identification purposes and to help in storing and retrieving information about the steed so much more easily.

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