lundi 18 février 2019

Why Your Teens Needs A Therapy

By Jerry Bailey

Girls and boys experience lots of challenges during adolescent stage. Their body physically developed and changed due to puberty. Their mind started to become more conscious as they are able to grasp a situation unlike when they were still in early childhood stage. However, most became so emotional during this stage. Some adults might think they are just bunch of kids doing some reckless stuff with a rebellious attitude. But one should know that teens tend to make a lot of mistakes because their frontal lobe is not yet fully developed. And once they made some mistakes, it engulfs them, making them accede in negativities. Parents might find it a normal phase but they might not now that their kids need an adolescent therapy San Rafael.

Life is certainly filled with crazy and dramatic dilemmas. Even teens also encounter those problems which challenge their beliefs, identity and moral. But once they turned their backs on their loved ones and take the suffering all alone, it could only harm them. Most of them would think that they carry the burdens of the world and without their parents enlightening them about their situation, they will remain like that and continue to suffer.

One might say they are seeking attention. And indeed, they seek attention because they want their family to understand them. But when family do not give support, a teen might fall into the wrong path. He or she might suffer more. And when problem becomes worst, instead of parents, maybe seeking a medical care is appropriate approach for them.

When that happens, they began to withdraw from everyone and sulk in the corner. As parents, you tried to reach out to them but they tend to berserk. Perhaps the wisest approach is to seek some help from a therapist. If their behaviour continued like that, both parties will just suffer.

Going back again to the previous situation, the daughter is facing some problems. She became detached with her family and also from society. Her mood becomes irritable and she harm herself. And by looking at the behaviour she showed, she was showing the symptoms of depression.

You cannot ignore the state of your teenager son or daughter. If that will remain untreated, that will last to adult stage and your kid will be dysfunctional. Moreover, many suicide incidents because of depression. When those signs are present, better talk to a psychotherapist or paediatrician.

Other than that, your teen might be struggling with other problems without your knowledge such as substance abuse, behavioural and social related problems, etc. Your son might have experienced being bullied by others or being pressured by his peers causing him to do something bad and make him feel guilty. Or perhaps they got some anxiety and self-esteem issues.

For those things mentioned above, those are enough reasons why therapists are needed. Teens might find it hard to disclose what they truly feels and a professional like psychologist or psychotherapist may lend their ears to hear the problem of that teen. With their help, adolescents will not surrender into depression and other serious dilemmas.

As parents, you are an expert of your child. More importantly, guiding and spend time with them will help to increase your trust. So whenever they have problem, they will share it to you and you can help them.

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