mercredi 23 juillet 2014

Enlarging Prostates Happen But Prostate Health Supplements Help

By Lettie Coffield

The prostate is something that every man over the age of 50 hears about more often than they want to. However, a healthy prostate is a necessary part of your overall reproductive health and urinary tract's well-being. There are so many issues that can cause you problems with your prostate. Before you deal with the issues, or if you are already having problems with your prostate, you may want to take a prostate health supplement to ensure that you are on the right track.

Young men have a prostate that is about the size of a walnut. If it becomes enlarged, it can cause a man problems because of its location. Its located in front of the rectum and below the bladder. It is part of the male reproductive system and it surrounds the urethra;, the tube that carries urine out of your bladder. Every man's prostate will enlarge as they get older. The problem is that the effects of it can become quite uncomfortable for many men.

Even if you are already experiencing problems with your prostate, it is never too late to start taking a prostate health supplement to prevent the symptoms from getting any worse. Ideally, you will start taking it by the time you are 40 and your prostate is near the size of an apricot because by the time you hit 60 your prostate will be nearly the size of a lemon. As it grows, urination can become difficult because of the amount of pressure on your urethra.

Eight out of ten men will experience prostate problems due to it enlarging. This is called benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH. The good news is that there is a prostate health supplement that can help. Saw palmetto supplements have been used for many years to help older men control the issues that come from an enlarged prostate gland so that you can be more comfortable despite the years.

The symptoms of an unhealthy prostate are mostly going to show up as a problem urinating. These symptoms of BPH include you having to urinate often during the night, trouble getting the flow to start or having to strain to make it continue, the feeling that you need to go more when you are done using the bathroom, as well as repeated stops and starts while urinating. At the first sign of any problems you need to see your doctor and consider adding a saw palmetto supplement to your daily diet.

If you notice symptoms of BPH and you are under the age of 40 or you recently had a procedure that required something be inside your urethra, such as a catheter, you may have an infection and need antibiotics. Chlamydia can also cause infection to form there so it is imperative that you talk to your doctor instead of trying the prostate health supplement for relief. Supplements may help but cannot heal.

If you do need to add a prostate health supplement, you should choose the one that has been proven effective for years. A saw palmetto supplement comes from the fruit of the saw palmetto and it is proven to decrease symptoms of BPH as well as decrease the effects of a prostate infection. Some also feel that when taken along with other herbs it may also help prevent prostate cancer. There are very few side effects and most are mild. They include headaches, constipation, diarrhea, vomiting, dizziness, and nausea. If you are taking saw palmetto supplements and you need to have surgery, you should stop taking it two weeks before surgery. It can thin your blood and cause you to clot slower. You should talk to your doctor about concerns.

You are more likely to have problems with your prostate if your family has a history of anything similar to BPH. The only true way to combat the issues you face is through taking a prostate health supplement. Saw palmetto supplements are the natural way to get help before the problem affects you and even though it will not cure your enlarged prostate it can help you use the bathroom more comfortably so that you will no longer have to worry about or deal with the problems that come with age and prostate issues. Simply imagine being able to sleep through the night normally again.

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