vendredi 4 septembre 2015

Improving Health Options With A Compounding Pharmacy South San Francisco

By Daphne Bowen

The United States is totally stoked about the decriminalization in California and a couple of other states, for it shows a slight change of heart to the hard-nosed stand of prohibition. Laboratories all over the West Coast have been working overtime to research all the potential benefits of using marijuana as a medicine. Many a compounding pharmacy South San Francisco, you did see.

When compounding pharmaceutical drugs the technician mixes the drugs together very specifically, following the advice of a doctor who very often stands over the technician and supervises his or her work. The intent is to improve the efficacy of the drug and tailor make it for the patient at hand. The pharmacies which sell marijuana are all over the state, and they specialize only in marijuana that the young people claim keeps them alive.

Differing individuals require a differing dose of cannabis, depending on how their illness manifests and what their degree of pain may be. One who suffers an occasional back strain will not need as much as his or her counterpart who requires treatment for something as serious as cerebral palsy. Doctors can feel confident with this prescription because there are no serious side effects.

With the issues of jurisdiction between the state of California and the Feds, we now know the Feds do not respect the rights of individual states. They do not support the decriminalization of cannabis, or any other substance that carries such a classification. They are more than happy to violate our Fourth Amendment which protects us from the dangers inherent in an unlawful search and seizure.

The pharmacies take the stand that having ATF agents plow through their door with guns blazing and sound cannons blared constitutes illegal search and seizure. They state that they are professionals acting within the laws of their state for the betterment of all people, and when the agents come through they do damage, steal inventory, and sometimes commit murder. The Federal Government has consistently shown a total disregard for the laws and rights of these individual states, especially California.

American history and its Civil War shows us just how far the government will go to violate the rights of states wishing to act in accordance with the wishes of their citizens. The enforcement of drug laws is felt more strongly in California due to this issue. It is regarded as an example of government running amok on the liberties of the people, and it is there that the world is most likely to see another American Civil War erupt.

In more recent news, representatives of California government recently attempted to reel in the rights of the people by requiring all citizens to be vaccinated. This removes the rights of parents to decide if vaccines are safe for their children, or themselves. In addition, it creates an opportunity many authoritarians will seize in order to get themselves into a dwelling where they can look around without a warrant.

California has remained in the limelight on the marijuana issue since the 1960s, and so it will remain. They now can add Colorado, South Carolina, and possibly even Texas onto their credit, as these states appear ready to follow suite. When we can get everyone who is sitting in prison for marijuana-related offenses free, then this country will begin to feel like it should again.

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