mardi 13 octobre 2015

Busting 3 Myths About Wholesale Electronic Cigarettes

By Billy Genthner

While vaping continues to become more and more popular, luring millions of Americans away from traditional tobacco-based cigarettes, there are still plenty of naysayers out there. While it's always wise to learn about wholesale electronic cigarettes before you start vaping, there are many myths about vaping that need to be set straight, including the following:

1. The Great Unknown: The Ingredients Of E-Liquids

Wholesale E-liquids are one of the most fun elements about vaping. You can choose from tons of amazing flavors for your wholesale electronic cigarettes. This includes cocktail-inspired E-liquids, candy flavors, coffee-flavored options and those that have a hint of tobacco flavor. The variety is definitely one of the perks of smoking wholesale E-cigs, but many people believe that the ingredients are unknown or unsafe.

However, most E-liquids contain no more than four ingredients. When you purchase E-liquids, the manufacturer will list the ingredients just as you would find on any food product. One of the ingredients is propylene glycol, which sounds a bit scary until you realized that this substance is found in many of our foods as well as some pharmaceuticals. It is approved by the FDA, as well. Vegetable glycerin is another ingredient and this, too, is a common ingredient in foods and approved by the FDA. Flavoring also is added, which might be natural or artificial. Finally, there is nicotine. You can purchase E-liquids with a high amount of nicotine or none at all or an amount in between, which can help reduce your nicotine dependence. These four ingredients are all you should find in an E-liquid unlike cigarettes which contain thousands of toxic substances, more than 60 of which can give you cancer.

2. Vapor & Cigarette Smoke Are Highly Dangerous

Wholesale electronic cigarettes emit a fine vapor or mist and sometimes this mist has a light scent that reflects the e-liquid flavor; however, there is no actual smoke coming from a wholesale E-cig. Several recent studies have compared this vapor with the smoke from a regular tobacco cigarette. Second-hand smoke from tobacco cigarettes contains about 7,000 different chemical compounds, including more than 60 cancer-causing toxins. Vaping has been shown to emit about six toxins and all at far lower levels than traditional cigarettes. While it's certainly important to continue researching vaping and traditional cigarettes, thus far vaping seems to pose little to no risk to the general public.

Of course, it's not just the toxic second-hand smoke that is a danger for tobacco. Traditional cigarettes are lit on fire and can cause fires. In fact, more than 90,000 fires were caused by smoking in 2011, according to the National Fire Protection Association. These fires resulted in more than 500 fatalities. With your wholesale E-cigarette, you don't actually light anything on fire; it is powered by a small battery. According to FEMA, from 2009 through 2014, there were 25 fire-related incidents related to wholesale E-cigarettes. The majority of these incidents were caused when people were charging the E-cig battery incorrectly and none of these incidents resulted in a large-scale fire or any deaths.

3. Vaping Companies Deliberately Entice Those Under 18

While it's true that the fun colorful packaging and delicious flavors might seem enticing to children and teens, it's also fun for adults. Adults also like clever packaging and delicious flavors; this is attractive to everyone. While some studies have shown that kids and teens are using electronic cigarettes in greater numbers each year, this is also true of adults. Electronic cigarettes are gaining in popularity so it's not surprising that with greater access to wholesale electronic cigarettes, more children and teens will be trying it out. After all, in the past if a parent smoked, a teen might be tempted to snatch a cigarette and try it out. It's the same scenario with vaping.

Keep in mind, though, it is not as easy for teenagers or kids to access wholesale electronic cigarettes. When you first start to vape, the cost of the starter kit can be prohibitive to younger people. In addition, you purchase all of your supplies at local vape shops or online vape shops. The local shops aren't allowed to sell to someone younger than 18, and online shops require credit cards, which the vast majority of teens do not have. Studies have shown that most people who vape are either former or current smokers' and only about one percent of vapers are people who have never used tobacco cigarettes.

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