samedi 2 janvier 2016

Essentials Of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Richardson Tx Residents May Wish To Know

By Barbara Scott

One of common types of sleep apnea is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) which is the result of blockage of the upper airway. The affected person usually has shortness of breath while sleeping. Sometimes, breathing may cease for as long as twenty seconds. These apnoeic episodes may occur up to as many as a hundred times a night. These are some of the essentials of obstructive sleep apnea Richardson Tx residents may wish to know.

It takes another person (usually a partner) for one to know whether or not they have the problem. This is because persons with OSA are usually unaware of the symptoms. Such a partner is able to detect loud snores and restlessness during sleep in the individual with the condition. Less commonly, people experience insomnia, headaches, depression and anxiety. Occasionally, they may have increased blood pressure, heavy night sweats and increased urination.

The presentation of this condition in adults is different from what is seen in children. Affected adults are usually overweight with short, heavy necks. On the other hand, children present with growth retardation and are usually thin. This could be attributed to the large amount of calories consumed in the process of breathing in children. Blockage of the airway also makes eating uncomfortable in those affected.

This problem is commoner in men than women due to differences in their anatomy and physiology. Men have a larger body mass around the torso and the neck region, hence, chances of airway narrowing are higher. Also, women are protected by the presence of progesterone. The level of protection therefore diminishes as women approach menopause. Other risk factors include pregnancy and genetic factors.

There are certain craniofacial syndromes that put the individual at risk of OSA. In these syndromes, unusual features involve the jaw, mouth, nose and resting muscle tone. For instance, in Downs syndrome, abnormal features that predispose one to the problem include a large tongue, low muscle tone and a narrow nasopharynx. On the other hand, other conditions such as cleft palate actually improve the airway.

There are various approaches that can be used in treatment of obstructive sleep apnea. First, smoking and drinking habits should be put to a halt. Any medications that cause the central nervous system to relax should be avoided. These include muscle relaxants and sedatives. Weight loss is also recommended for those who are overweight. However, all individuals should engage in physical training regardless of weight as this greatly enhances breathing.

Positive airway pressure system is the most widely used form of physical intervention currently. It involves the use of mask which is worn either over the nose, mouth or both. The mask is connected to a breathing machine which pumps air into the airway. The additional air pumped enables the muscles to stay open and therefore enhance breathing. Examples of mechanisms that use this system include automatic positive airway pressure (or APAP), variable positive airway pressure ( or VPAP) and continuous positive airway pressure ( or CPAP).

A poor prognosis is associated with OSA if it goes untreated in the long run. It has been shown that these individuals have a higher risk of myocardial infarction than individuals without. The risks associated with OSA are due to the fact that one is deprived of sleep for a long time and also ends up with low oxygen content due to the cumulative apnoeic episodes. In addition to cardiovascular disease, other risks include diabetes, aortic disease, high blood pressure and obesity.

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