mardi 12 avril 2016

A Guide To Getting Effective TMJ Treatment Atlanta

By Raymond Snyder

It is estimated that at least ten million Americans suffer from Temporomandibular Joint disorder. The condition is highly uncomfortable and may affect the quality of life. To get the right TMJ treatment Atlanta, a person must be treated by a dentist who is specialized in this condition.

The temporomandibular joint is very useful as it is the part that enables the jaw to move for a person to be able to talk, yawn and eat. The real causative reason of this condition is not know but dentist speculate that the problem originates from the muscles and joint of the jaw. Some of the causative reasons include trauma to the area around this joint, pressure such as teeth clenching, stress and arthritis.

The condition is associated by known symptoms that include pain in the jaw or in the chewing muscle, feeling of tired facial muscles, difficulty opening the mouth widely, problems chewing food and presence of a popping or grating sound when they open or close their mouth. In some cases a person may experience a locked jaw which leaves their mouth temporary closed or open.

Most people do not realize that they have the condition as in most cases the symptoms disappear after a short period without a medical intervention. The symptoms are at times significant and can be diagnosed during a dental check up in most places in Atlanta. There are dentist and facilities which are specialized in dealing with TMJ.

The most common form of treatment in Atlanta is the use of non pharmaceutical therapy. This is the first line form of medication for this condition. It involves use of a bite guard which helps in preventing pressure from teeth clenching and relives most symptoms. The other form of this therapy is physical therapy and it entails use of moist heat, ice combined with exercises that stretch the muscles and makes them strong. Counseling is a vital form of therapy as it serves to educate people on the simple steps that help them ease the condition such as eating soft foods and avoiding wide yawning.

Moderate cases may need the intervention of medications. These include use of pain relievers, Tricyclic antidepressants which also reduce pain and reduce stress and use of muscle relaxants. The latter medication reduces muscle tension and also reduces pain. If nighttime teeth clenching occurs, a sedative is prescribed to reduce the pain.

In severe cases surgical interventions or invasive treatment may be employed especially when the above two therapies have not worked. One of the procedures is athrocentesis which basically involves removal of debris and fluids in the joint. Some people benefit from injections of corticosteroids in the joint. If the condition is caused by a structural anomaly, a surgery is done to correct the structure or even replace it. Surgery is the last option, The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research recommends avoidance of surgery whenever possible.

For a successful therapy, the patient should ensure that they go to a facility and specialist who has record of providing effective treatment. The best way to know about the result of a doctor is by contacting the patients he or she has worked with. Some facilities offer guarantee for the work they do. More importantly visit someone who can educate you on the various therapies that you can do at home such as use of ice packs to ensure that the symptoms goes away.

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