samedi 9 avril 2016

How Lipo Can Help People Increase Their Self Esteem

By Joshua Thompson

The majority of people continually strive to better their bodies. They diet and they exercise. Most modern people pay attention to their grooming. They want to look good and they want to feel good about how they look. This is one of the reasons why cosmetic surgery has experienced such a massive increase in popularity. In fact, it has become commonplace. Lipo is one of those procedures that are now commonly performed, even in places as remote as Walnut Creek.

Liposuction is not a new concept. It was performed as far back as the early sixties. It never became popular then, however, because the techniques were crude and patients often bled excessively, developed gangrene or experienced severe pain. It was only in 1982, when a French surgeon developed new technique, that this cosmetic procedure took off. Since then many advances have been made and today liposuction is part of the menu offered by most plastic surgeons.

Liposuction can be effective in removing excess fat from several areas of the body. Removing saddlebags from the outer thighs and love handles from the flanks is particularly popular. Fat can also be removed from the breasts, cheeks, chin and the calves. The hips, bags under the upper arms and the back are also very popular target areas.

Liposuction is not a miracle surgical technique that will make all unwanted fat disappear. Removing too much fat in one session can result in serious complications and can indeed affect the long term health of the patient. Patients should also accept the fact that this procedure is not a convenient replacement for exercise and for following a balanced diet.

Patients are carefully screened for liposuction procedures. They need to be non smokers. Their skin must be firm and elastic and the skin tone must be good. To qualify, the patient needs to be within thirty per cent of his ideal weight. Those suffering from chronic diseases such as hypertension, heart disease and cancer do not qualify.

There are certain risks involved when opting for liposuction. Side effects include mild discomfort, swelling and bruising but this clears away after a few weeks. There is a risk of infection, but this is the case with any surgical procedure. Cases where the skin ended up in a bumpy condition or where the skin withered have been reported. This will have to be remedied by a further surgical procedure.

Patients should never opt for a surgeon that is not a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. This society ensures that surgeons act with integrity and in a responsible manner. Potential patients should be interviewed and great care should be taken to ensure that they qualify for the procedure. The patient should be fully informed about the risks and the side effects that can be expected.

Liposuction can do much for the self esteem of those patients that qualify for this procedure. While there are risks, liposuction is deemed to be safe, as long as the procedure is performed by a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon. It is important, however, that patients do not harbour unrealistic expectations.

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