dimanche 19 juin 2016

Why One Should Use Aluminum Free Deodorant

By Lisa Snyder

The human body naturally eliminates chemicals in the form of toxins through the skin. These toxins result into a natural odor on the body, which can be very unpleasant in some cases. To prevent such odors, people often opt to use deodorants. People choose a specific deodorant and stick with it for the rest of their lives, always wearing wherever they go. For that reason, it is important to choose a product that lasts for a long time and still remains toxin free.

One class of deodorants comes to mind when talking about toxin free deodorant products. This class of deodorants is that of aluminum free deodorant products. The negative effects of aluminium-based deodorants have been backed by several claims, some of which do not have any supporting evidence. To begin with, there are claims that these products cause cancer, even though there is still ongoing research to ascertain the claims. No evidence currently supports such claims.

However, the need to adopt natural alternatives instead of aluminium products is supported by many reasons. First, aluminium products mask body odor through production of sweet smells. This is not healthy because it avoids solving the main problem. Baking soda contained in natural alternatives help to prevent odor-causing bacteria from forming. Therefore, they are better at managing bad body odor.

Even though there is a no solid evidence linking aluminium to cancer, there has been a strong correlation between Alzheimer disease and diseases caused by high aluminum content in the body. This could imply that high content of aluminium may cause Alzheimer disease. That makes it necessary to avoid consumption of aluminium, especially with the increase in the level of prevalence of Alzheimer disease. More young people are currently being affected by the disease.

Pregnant women are advised to avoid aluminium-based deodorants. The reason for this is that they introduce toxic materials into the human body. In a similar fashion that smoking and drinking are discouraged for expectant women, chemical deodorants must be avoided. What the body of the mother takes in is passed into the body of the child. Therefore, the heavy metals passed to the unborn child from the body of the mother may affect it negatively.

Using natural deodorants helps to improve the health of the skin. On the other hand, applying heavy commercial deodorants results in tear and wear of the skin in the long run. The skin becomes dry and chaffed eventually. Similarly, the presence of parabens, which are estrogenic in these products make them dangerous. Absorption of estrogen through the skin results in imbalance of body hormones.

Some people have sensitive skins which may not do well with metal additives in deodorants. Application of these metals may result in heavy lumps, hives, and rashes among other effects. Chemical deodorants particularly cause adverse reaction. In contrast, natural products rarely cause adverse reactions in the skin when applied.

Finally, when comparing the prices, chemical deodorants are relatively more expensive that natural ones. That is another reason for going with natural alternatives. Purchases can be made online and from stores dealing in related products. All ingredients in a product are usually indicated on its container. The list should always be checked be purchasing.

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