lundi 8 août 2016

After Taking Up Yoga Reno Residents Report Enormous Benefits

By Elizabeth Edwards

When the Indian philosopher Swami Vivekanada toured the US and Canada in the latter part of the eighteen hundreds he could surely not imagine just how popular his new philosophy of Asana would become in the years ahead. He preached a philosophy that is holistic and that will help people to improve their minds, bodies and spirit. It became popular almost immediately. Today, with yoga Reno residents find themselves healthier, happier and fitter.

Despite the fact that Asana has been around for a very long time, many people still misunderstand it. Some think that it is only a unique form of exercising. Others are scared because they think it is some form of eastern religion. These, and other misconceptions are not true. Asana is merely a philosophy that helps people to improve all aspects of their lives, including the mental, spiritual and physical domains.

The basis of Asana focus on the mastery of numerous stretching exercises and poses. These exercise and pose are not the true purpose of Asana, however. They only serve as tools to help practitioners to attain focus and to help them to improve their minds, their bodies and their spirits. Newcomers should realise that there are several approaches to this discipline. Some forms are more strenuous and others more relaxed.

One of the attractions of this philosophy is that it is not competitive in any way. Practitioners progress and grow at their own pace. They only learn new poses and exercises when they feel ready for them and they are never under pressure to do more than they want to. Another attraction is the fact that almost everyone can practice Asana, even physically disabled people, older people and youngsters.

Empirical studies of Asana has shown that this philosophy holds many health benefits. Patients with high blood pressure, asthma, heart disease, some forms of cancer and depression, to name just a few have benefited from practising Asana. Practitioners find that they are calmer, more subtle, fitter and more positive about life when they regularly perform their exercises and routines. They also benefit greatly from the social interaction with others in their group.

Another great benefit is that it is not expensive or difficult to get started with Asana. You do not need special equipment or clothes. You can get going on your own in the comfort of you own home if you wish. Experts agree, however, that it is beneficial to attend at least a few beginners classes with a reputable instructor. It is necessary to find and adopt the specific approach to this philosophy that will best suit the individual concerned.

There are lots of resources for those that want to start practising yoga. Just about every bookshop stocks many different books on the subject. Then there are numerous websites that are dedicated to this subject. Some offer interactive discussion forums, training videos and advice columns. On top of this, even small communities host experienced teachers that can provide valuable advice and support.

Modern life is complex, demanding and stressful. It seems that Asana has given millions of people an opportunity to not only negate the stresses that they experience every day, but to also grow as individuals. Asana is certainly here to stay.

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