mercredi 24 août 2016

Use Energy Medicine For A Better Immune System

By Walter Gray

Every human body is unique in its structure and what it endures on a daily basis. This is why a single cure may not work for all under the care of a doctor. Often when one treatment does not work, the next option may be to go with a higher dosage or experiment with something else. People who use energy medicine find that the specialist focuses more on the problem and not a simple cure.

Alternative medicine may seem new to some but its roots goes back centuries to eastern continents like China. It also goes by many names like therapeutic medicine, esoteric healing and contact healing. Not only have these been proven to relieve pain and chronic ailments but emotional matters. Studies have even shown it to be successful with animals and some surgical procedures.

Building the immune system is important to anyone who is busy throughout the day. Being in contact with others, along with exposure to polluted air, can bring down any healthy person. It is common to associate the symptoms of tiredness or constant colds with not getting enough rest but this may only be a temporary solution.

Some people who are constantly tired may be for a different reason. Even if they have had coffee or feel well rested, the fatigue is still present. These feelings may be linked to something internal, or mental, that can hamper productivity. While prescribed medicine may seem like a permanent cure, its side effects can be dangerous when not administered correctly.

Energy psychology is safe for all ages and is growing in popularity with those who want to reduce, or eliminate, use of psychiatric medication. This practice is kind of like acupuncture without needles, in the sense that the trained person stimulates, or taps, pressure points to help shift brain thinking patterns. There are many techniques that fall under this type of healing.

The art of therapeutic touch goes by several names, like Qigong or Reiki. Some techniques are not limited to licensed health care professionals but those who work in self help or social work have used this with clients who may experience emotional problems. Though energy psychology may be used for mental or emotional issues, it can also be used to relieve pain as part of a treatment plan.

This practice can be used to regain energy that may be lost due to a number of factors. Stress, poor diet and body alignment can play a role in overall health. Getting a massage or sleeping more is sometimes not enough to restore the body after years of the same routine. A fair assessment by a specialist is the only way to find out what the cause of breakdown since the source may vary by the person.

Going with alternative medicine, either as a primary or complementary treatment, is becoming more common. Chances of becoming addicted are slim and there are even procedures that can be done at home or on the job. Recent studies show strong data in regard to its effectiveness and patient satisfaction.

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