jeudi 2 novembre 2017

Utilizing The Best Fake Tan Provides Buyers Many Positives

By Haywood Hunter

Summer time is when everyone seems to look at their best with their sun kissed bodies, by using the best fake tan. One can see many people walking around boasting glorious tans which make them look so sexy and slim with bright white smiles. They look great and also so healthy. Everyone wants to look like that and that is why so many people are opting for the best fake tan.

This is in fact the furthest thing from the truth, thanks to the best fake tan. With the sun being so harmful nowadays very few people can afford to lie in the sun and get tans anymore. The sun is too dangerous in that it causes skin cancer and premature aging and no one wants that anymore. The trick to looking great with a super hue is to get to a tanning salon and obtain the best fake tan for your skin.

Salons have a few options for you to obtain the best fake tan without the sun. One could always lie on a sun bed where you get the UV rays from ultra violet globes on the roof of the bed as well as from the bottom. This way you will get the best fake tan and look great, without the sun's natural UV rays.

One could have a mist sprayed on your body by means of a turbine sprayer. Else, you could opt for the air brush spray tan which the beautician will give you. Here you get different nozzles which you can choose from depending on how fine a mist you want sprayed on to you. The salon staff is usually trained in doing this job and will use the best fake tan they have.

For those who are simply itching to get the best fake tan, you have the other option to do this at home yourself as well. There are so many products that are available to try. One must remember that if you are going to tan on your face that you should get a special tanning lotion for your face.

If you are going to opt for the best fake tan at home, you are advised to start off with a bronzed look. One with about two tones darker than your natural hue would be the best option for the first time. You would also be advised to get a special tanner for your face. The face can be a little tricky to get done properly with normal body tanning lotion.

It is very important to remember that when you are doing any kind of tanning, be it in the salon or at home that you do a good job of exfoliation before you do the tan. This is so that you can get rid of all the dead skin from your body. In getting rid of the dead skin from your body and face you will be letting your the best fake tan last for up to 5 days.

Many people make good use of their time and apply the best fake tan lotions just before they go to sleep. This is a great idea It means that while you are asleep, the best fake tan is busy activating.

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