lundi 2 mars 2015

Assisi & Helping Dogs With Mange In

By Robin Setser

When you think about a "mangy" dog, you probably imagine an animal that doesn't have the best appearance. However, if you want to talk about mange, specifically, there is an entirely different avenue of conversation that can be opened up. For those who do not know - and Assisi can offer insight - mange refers to a skin condition that can occur in mammals. When it comes to how dogs are affected, though, there's quite a bit of discussion to be made.

Mange, more often than not, is caused by the spread and overall affect of mites. Dogs with fleas carry potential issues, so it's no wonder that mange is normally associated with it as well. There are a number of tell-tale signs to be had with this condition, skin irritation and visible reddening being some of the strongest. The moment that you catch wind of signs like these, you should try to see what you can do in order to lessen the severity of mange before wiping it out entirely.

Certain breeds can carry the risk of mange more than others, as you'll come to learn. Age has something to do with it as well, since puppies can contact a less severe variation of mange which fortunately fades away on its own. In addition, if your dog has a history of illness, it's easy to say that his or her risk of developing mange will go up. This isn't to say that medical solutions can't be used, which is where the services and knowledge of Assisi can come into play.

There are a few ways in which treatment, as it relates to mange, can be administered to dogs. It can either be given orally, or through a shot. However, it has to be done in an environment where the dog isn't able to come into contact with other dogs, since mange can spread. Once the treatment is administered, results will most likely be seen after a month or so. Keep this in mind and your dog's mange should clear up in due time.

Considering the environments they are typically in, and the animals they interact with, it's easy to see why dogs contract mange. Does this necessarily mean that the problem has to persist? Given the fact that the aforementioned treatment options exist, it does not seem as though this is the case. Make sure that you keep these in mind if your dog starts to show signs of mange. The sooner you act on these, the better your dog's well-being will be.

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