mardi 17 mars 2015

How Effective Bee Venom Therapy Is

By Zelma Hurley

There are many creatures that are very useful because of the products that they make. One of the best examples would be bees. These are creatures that have vital roles in the ecosystem. They are also the main provider for honey. Honey is a very in demand commodity in most household and because of this, you can say that these creatures are very useful.

One of the recently discovered use of these creatures are for medical purposes. Their sting is known to have medical capacities. And thus, the bee venom therapy was created. There are still many things that needs to be discovered regarding this area. There is a still a need to conduct various research for it to be perfect.

Many people are not very interested in these insects because they are scary at times and they can fly directly up to your face which is alarming. The natural instinct of people would be to drive them away. But this would only provoke them to sting you instead. But what most people do not know is that this is also a deadly action for them. The sting of the bee is sometimes detrimental to humans especially those who have allergies with the venom.

Allergies happen when your immune system is trying hard to get rid of all the unknown substances that have entered the system. There are various types of reactions and this would depend on how the body reacts to all the different types of elements it would encounter. The most usual allergy would be caused by particular foods. And then, there are also others that are adversely affected by the venom of certain creatures.

If you are allergic to bee stings, the venom therapy is said to be effective. According to research the immune system and the body will get use to substance and sooner or later, it would no longer pose any type of resistance. It works so much like a vaccine to the patient.

Every session, the patient is injected with small amounts of the venom. The number of sessions will vary and would heavily depend on the severity of the effect of the substance on your body. If your system has the worse reaction to it, then you can expect that the treatment would be longer. There were cases when these attacks have claimed the life of people. And because of this, there is a need for proper medication.

It is also being studied to be used as treatment for people suffering from arthritis. But there are still debates regarding this matter. All the test subjects for the experiments showed major improvements right after the procedure. However, the subjects were not humans but animals. Human trials are set to be done. But there are still doubts that the result would be the same.

The treatments have been identified to have side effects. So you have to be prepared for this. There are side effects that are normal but these can still potentially harm your system. And there are also some which you have to be careful about. All of the side effects can easily be determined since it would have the same effects when you are having allergies.

Before you decide that you want to have this treatment, you still have to consult with your doctor. And when it is being administered, it should be done by an expert as the doses need to be precise to avoid any adverse reactions. There are several conditions when a person is not allowed to undergo the therapy.

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