vendredi 24 avril 2015

What Holistic Doctors In Erie PA Can Do For Patients

By Alta Alexander

People these days are dealing with a lot of health issues that aren't being addressed with their regular family doctors or even specialists. One of the main reasons for this is because mainstream medical providers deal with symptoms. Rarely do they look for the cause of any problems, or dealing with that cause. So, their response is simply treating those symptoms with prescription medication, for the most part. Below, learn what holistic doctors in Erie PA can do for patients who are finding it very hard to function accordingly.

They will examine the patient entirely prior to treating them and their symptoms. One of the best examples that could possibly be provided includes the number of people suffering from hypothyroidism around the world today. While it could be related to a number of issues, many do agree that the lack of iodine is the root cause. Whatever the case, the medical community relies solely on a blood test to determine whether the patient is hypothyroid or not. The problem with that is when the numbers are not indicative of this issue, the patient is not considered to be suffering from this condition.

Long before this screening test existed, the patient would simply tell the doctor what problems he was suffering from. Upon examination, the healthcare provider would also determine surefire indications that proved that it could be related to the thyroid, like the patients thinning eyebrows, his unexplained weight gain, brittle nails, and more. Today, patients can feel the symptoms but they won't get treated if it's not showing in the numbers of that blood test.

What's unfortunate for these patients is the fact that the thyroid, although quite small in size, is key in the health of an individual. Its functions are truly multiple, and if it does not function properly, will have adverse effects on up patient in so many ways. Another problem with the medical community is the fact that it treats this problem, if found through the screening of the blood test, using a synthetic thyroid hormone.

In the past, it was treated with pig or bovine thyroid hormones, until pharmaceutical companies developed the newer, synthetic form. While it can help to some degree, most patients found that they fared better with the natural treatment. This leaves patients dealing with various symptoms and health problems that often make them miserable.

Three areas of the body that are always examined by holistic doctors and what was common in medical practices of yesteryear, where the eyes, the tongue, and the nails. Today, the medical community barely examines these, even though they are a clear indication of what may be malfunctioning with in the body. For these and many other reasons, patients are feeling neglected by the medical community, which leads them to finding holistic doctors to help them.

Many of these specialists have actually earned medical degrees, and are doing wonders for their patients. Unfortunately, those in the medical community consider them to be quacks, or fooling patients to make more money. Many testimonials from many patients can prove those people wrong because they are walking examples of being properly treated according to their health issues.

The difference between the two types of doctors is that those who practice holistic medicine find natural medicines that work. They combine this with healthy diets and other practices. Ultimately, they help the patient to improve on the whole, by strengthening their immune system so that they end up healthier.

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