mardi 26 juillet 2016

State Strategies For Promoting Health And Wellness North Carolina

By Arthur Wright

Every citizen is guaranteed a safe and environment in which they can live in.This includes every citizen regardless of their financial status or ethnic background. In order to realize this vision, policies have been put in place to ensure that every citizen possesses a better state of mind and body and has unlimited access to basic healthcare. This article expounds on policies aimed at promoting health and wellness North Carolina.

The government is the principal institution involved with the development of policies to realize this dream. For starters, the state has banned the use of tobacco products. This policy has been effective after recent research has revealed that tobacco is responsible for causing deformities in expectant mothers as well causing lung diseases and bronchitis.

Furthermore, the administration has gone a mile further and introduced an exercise regulation aimed at encouraging its citizens to engage in physical activity as well as promoting good nutrition. A study conducted by a medical team has revealed that majority of the regional residents consume junk foods which are high in sugar, fats and oil. Such foods are medically proven to cause lifestyle diseases such as obesity. Obesity is also responsible for causing hypertension. Participating in physical activity burns excess fat and aids in reducing chances of contracting lifestyle diseases.

Furthermore, the administration has also introduced a policy at the work place aimed at encouraging employees to use their free time, especially the lunch hours to engage in physical exercises. For instance, workers are encouraged to use the staircase as opposed to using the elevator. Alternatively, they can walk to various destinations within work premises as opposed to riding or driving. These actions are intended to burn calories and tone their bodies.

Addition of better food choices in hotels and restaurants is the third strategy that the government has put in place. This includes the introduction of vegetable and fruit salads in food menus and cutting down on foods likely to increase cholesterol levels in the body. The citizens are then educated on such changes so that they can be aware of their importance and promptly adopt this beneficial strategy.

The administration has also enacted regulations provisions for the distribution and consumption of foods that law low fat and sugar content in employee gatherings. Sugary and unprocessed foods used to be the norm, but the government has made such provisions necessary.

The state government has also encouraged its citizens to use healthcare resources wisely and benefit from them in the long run. This is achieved through the free screening of certain diseases on specific days within the month. This initiative is meant to encourage citizens to undergo free testing so as to detect any illnesses and get treatment promptly.

Lastly, the administration has enacted a policy intended to sensitize its citizens on better ways of coping with illnesses they suffer from. This is to reduce chances of infecting other residents. Additionally, the coping mechanism is proven reduce effects of these illnesses, thereby prolonging their lives. To back this initiative, a get in shape program with a robust financial backing has also been enacted to motivate workers to participate in physical activities. Structures to be used for work out activities have been erected at various points within the workplace premise to entice workers to get involved in physical exercises. Prizes are then given to the most consistent employees who act as role models to the other workers.

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