vendredi 4 août 2017

The Best Bay Area Functional Medicine Practitioners

By Charles Peterson

Traditional medicine is mostly focused on diagnosing illnesses and treating symptoms. More and more, people are aware of the fact that it simple isn't enough. Alternative medicine cannot replace the traditional one completely, but more comprehensive approach and deeper understanding of the human body is something Bay Area functional medicine practitioners understand and try to use in providing better treatments for their patients.

The main problem of traditional medicine is the fact that it primarily treats only symptoms. This type of a treatment may cure the symptoms, at least for now, but it doesn't remove the cause. Functional medicine focuses on the cause of the illness, in other words, it is more about solving the problems and preventing the disease. Diagnosing methods are mostly the same ones traditional medicine uses, but they don't stop there.

They see the body as body and mind unity, trying to find deeper issues and recreating the balance inside. There are so many factors that can affect this balance, including the way of life, environmental influences, metabolic factors and similar. All these underlying causes can actually trigger various medical conditions, and without finding and solving these issues, there is no successful healing.

Holistic approach integrates all aspects that may have influence on your health. When it comes to various diagnostic methods, they are quite similar to those used by traditional doctors. Even so, functional medicine is interested in other issues that can be related to the problem, for example, the levels of minerals and vitamins in your blood, different genetic factors, your life style in general, environmental impacts and so on.

Your physician should get all available data about you, to be able to comprehend the problem. Symptoms are only a part of it. They should also be treated, of course, but without removing the real cause, there will be no successful treatment, at least not in a long term. If you solve all deeper problems, this is the only way to successful healing.

A wide variety of different treatments is used in balancing your body. The most common ones are dealing with your nutrition, as well as with detoxification. Considering all important factors in creating the ideal therapy is essential for its success. Every single person is different, and there are no general rules that can be applied to all. You are special, and they know it.

Nutritional and herbal therapies often have really beneficial effect on your health in general, and can even significantly improve your health condition really quickly. Detoxification is also one important part in this process. When all the toxins are flushed away, your body regains its natural ability to heal itself. Deeper understanding of all processes taking place here is essential for successful healing.

Of course, various other factors also affect your general health, for example the lack of appropriate physical activities. On the other hand, your body also needs appropriate relaxation. Nothing stands alone. Your body is really complex organism, and focusing only on one individual matter cannot solve the problem. Dealing only with symptoms is too narrow approach, and that's why more profound approaches gain better, long-term results. Functional approach starts with essence, with root problems, and this is the main reason for its success.

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