lundi 15 janvier 2018

Learn More About Colonoscopy Conway AR

By Jeffrey Rogers

Basically, a colonoscopy procedure helps the examiner to know what is inside the large bowel or the colon. During the procedure, a colonoscope is normally used. A colonoscope is a flexible tube about four feet and a thickness of a finger. This tool has a camera with a light source at the tip. A colonoscope is inserted through the anus and slowly into the rectum and the colon under visual control. Therefore, colonoscopy Conway AR is essential since it helps in detecting serious health conditions in the large intestine.

There are various reasons that contribute to the performance of the procedure. The first reason is colon cancer screening. This procedure can also be used in order to provide an answer to conditions like persistent diarrhea, the presence of blood in stool, abdominal pain, bowel abnormalities and problems among others. It is also used to provide clarification in case CT and x-rays indicate a problem in the colon.

For people with a previous history of colon cancer or polyps or non-colonic cancers as well as colonic problems that are associated the cancer of the colon, it is advisable to have colonoscopies periodically since the risks of colon cancer or the polyps are higher. However, the frequency of this procedure depends on the risks and abnormalities detected in the previous colonoscopies. A widely accepted recommendation is that even healthy people should have the procedure when they attain 50 years and then after every 10 years.

Before the procedure, the doctor will seek to know if the patient has other special medical conditions. Such conditions will include heart and lung conditions, allergies to certain medications, as well as pregnancies.

It is important to let the medical practitioner know of the current medical prescription you are taking. This is because there are certain drugs that have an effect on blood clotting behavior such as diabetes drugs. This will help the doctor in adjusting such prescription before he can perform the procedure.

For the preparation of this procedure, you require twenty-four hours to empty your colon. Therefore, you need not eat for about twenty-four hours before this process. Usually, you need to avoid foods that are solid, but you can consume clear liquids. The liquids are such as broth, water, coffee and sports drinks. The next step to take is to empty the bowel. You can empty the gut in the morning or the night before the process.

This procedure is usually performed while the patient is lying on the side on the examination table. However, the doctor may position you such that the knees are close to the chest in order to have a better angle to the colon. Again, you are normally sedated and the doctor guides the colonoscope into the anus and gently through the rectum to the colon. For a better view, the doctor inflates the colon with carbon dioxide gas. Again, the doctor may take a tissue sample or polyps for biopsy. Basically, the procedure might take about 40-60 minutes.

This procedure is said to last for a period of not more than an hour. It may contain some risks or complications but in rare cases. On the other hand, its benefits are more than risks, therefore, the need to have it done. Risks include sedative reaction, rectum wall tearing and bleeding.

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