vendredi 21 novembre 2014

Options Of Diabetes Treatment In The Woodlands

By Ida Dorsey

The treatment of types 1 and 2 diabetes starts with exercise and diet. However, it is never really about what one eats. The most important thing is to eat a well balanced diet and be sure that the body is well fueled. Going to the gym to exercise may not be the most important thing either, one just needs to get into good physical shape, set health goals for nutrition and weight and increase activity. Diabetes treatment in the Woodlands involves various options.

With proper exercising and a well balanced diet, the working of the body will be very efficient. For some people and in some of the cases, when the diet changes or the exercise pattern is changed, it should be enough to relieve the pancreas of extra stress. In this case, the disease will be brought under some control. At other times, the right exercises and diet will bring glucose levels under control but would need supplementing with drug therapies.

The diet should be broken down into 50 percent carbohydrates, 20 percent proteins and less than 30 percent fats. There are other important considerations. Consistency is crucial; eating regularly is very important for diabetics. Delaying or even skipping meals will have drastic effects on the level of blood glucose. When one overindulges, the same effects can be experienced.

One should have fun by having the same meals other members of the family are having. This is as long as the meals are chosen carefully. It is very important that the food is balanced. There should be ample amounts of vegetables, fruits, dairy products, lean meats, fish and magnesium. One needs to choose unsaturated fats that are found in oils and not saturated fats in butter.

The individual does not need to entirely keep off sugary foods such as baked foods. To the contrary, they should be reserved for special occasions and thus need to be consumed moderately. As concerns exercise, about 30 minutes of aerobic exercise every day would be fine. Among the many effects of exercise on the body, it will increase ability to control blood glucose levels. Fortunately, exercising does not need very many resources.

On an ideal basis, an individual gets maximum outcomes when they take part in prolonged and intensive activity. Recent studies show that it is also very beneficial to indulge in intense activities in small bits. Changing patterns of exercise needs careful consideration since sudden changes tend to destabilize sugar levels. After exercising has been started, there should be frequent monitoring of sugar levels to know the response of the body to an increase in activity.

There are medicines that are used to manage glucose levels. The medicines will inform the pancreas to produce more insulin or cells to respond better to insulin. Increasing the levels of insulin produced does not however solve the problem. This is because the treatment only works for a limited time.

The use of only medicines wears out the pancreas fast. Afterwards, one will have to consider injections of insulin. Medications only are not ideal for effective treatment.

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