lundi 8 juin 2015

The Popularity Of Spiritual Doctor Healing

By Elaine Guthrie

When most people get sick, they turn to the official practice of medicine, in the form of a licensed doctor or nurse. One step beneath them in prestige is alternative medicine, which usually comes in the form of practices accepted by those outside the Western world, but which has official acceptance somewhere else, or during some other era. With these options open, it is worth exploring why people choose spiritual doctor healing, which has less respect than either of them.

Spiritual healing is the umbrella term for attempted treatments depending wholly in help from beings that don't register to human senses, beings whose very existence must be taken on faith. It is frequently the last stop for patients who are desperate, having tried everything sanctioned medicine can attempt. Often, the patient is also more interested in the touch of God than he or she is in getting healed as such. The malady might well be most important as a chance to witness the miraculous.

Supernatural assistance is often sought for the relief of pain, which even today is little understood by standard medicine. It can be sought out for acutely personal issues, such as sexual problems. Psychological problems and plain bad luck also drive the afflicted to the spirits.

There are problems most would not likely consider health related or even truly real, but which lead many people to turn to supernatural solutions. Some look to shield themselves from what they understand to be an evil influence. If an apparent entity seems to have taken possession of the mind, it might be judged that the time has come to perform an exorcism.

People seeking cures from the spiritual world need to understand that what they seek has no recognized scientific basis. Both are subject to scorn from those whose passion is to debunk dubious claims. This scorn is broadcast throughout the media, a broadcasting supported by the enormous prestige of the medical establishment, and the even more enormous resources of the pharmaceutical industry. The former is motivated by legitimate interest in health, along with a desire to defend its professional turf against the faith healers. The latter is motivated by maintaining its profits.

It should not surprise anyone that this most alternative of alternative practices is often chosen by those with little education in the sciences. Many are openly suspicious of the medical establishment. Practitioners succeed based on a combination of word of mouth reputation and salesmanship that borders on hypnotic suggestion.

There are many techniques resorting to the supernatural. Faith healing is a staple of many charismatic church services. Usually this is accomplished by the minister's laying on of hands and appealing to the holy spirit. This is a highly public act, and is at least as much performance as therapy.

Long relegated to the shadows, witchcraft performs its magic through its practitioners' expertise with stones, herbs, and the most humble objects. Now it is not only largely freed from centuries of oppression, it is among the most rapidly growing religious paths in the Western world. Voudon has its roots in West Africa and Haiti, and carries the appeal of exotica. It draws upon assistance from a menagerie of gods, saints, and lesser entities, all called upon to defend against beings still lesser.

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