dimanche 4 mai 2014

Essential Tips On How To Lose Belly Fat

By James Spann

Every lady out there can support the fact that losing weight around the midsection is a happy experience. This is mainly because a woman is able to save herself from health complications which result from excess abdominal fats. The achievement also enables a lady to fit into her favorite clothes which was previously impossible. There are some practical ways on how to lose belly fat for good.

One needs to cut down on calories. An individual also ought to stay away from foods with high saturated fats. These foods are supposed to be replaced with whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Many people grapple with sugar cravings of which they satisfy with bad habit snacks. This can be dealt with by replacing the snacks with things like oat meal which stabilizes blood sugar.

Pine nuts as snack are also an excellent choice. This snack is endowed with polyunsaturated fatty acids which increases the secretion of two essential hormones in the brain. The hormones tell the brain when the body is full. Snacking on one ounce of the snack thirty minutes before eating ensures that one does not overeat.

Women whose bodies have a lot of cortisol, a stress hormone, usually suffer from excess visceral fats as well. High glycemic index foods like potatoes and white rice contribute to high cortisol levels in the body. Chickpeas, beans and lentils are excellent alternatives as they contain low glycemic index.

Experts concerned with health and wellness recommend muscle specific exercises. One of them is the workout bicycle. This exercise bears close resemblance to a pedaling movement. It focuses on the six pack muscles. In a supine posture with hands clasped behind her head, one brings her knees towards her chest while she lifts her shoulders from the floor. Slowly, she brings her right elbow in the direction of her left knee so as to straighten her right leg and vice versa.

Another effective workout is the exercise ball crunch. One requires an exercise ball for this. This routine prompts one to use the entire body to stabilize the abdomen which will do the exerting. The woman is supposed to lie on the workout ball with her lower back wholly supported and hands behind her head. The torso is lifted off the training ball by contracting the abs so as to pull the lower part of the ribcage in the direction of the hips. The training equipment has to be stable as she curls up.

Furthermore, she can engage in captain chair raise. An appropriate chair for this is usually found in the gym. An individual stands on the chair and grips its hand holds. The back is pressed against the padded section then one raises her knees to her chest. This allows one to shrink her abs after which it is lowered back. This training and the ones mentioned earlier need to be done in three successions with twenty repetitions for each.

In conclusion, every woman can attain a leaner and more attractive midsection. This can be done through workouts which target specific muscles. Additionally, one should avoid foods with unsaturated fats. By so doing, the lady gets a slim midsection, and also attains desired weight loss.

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