lundi 12 mai 2014

Why Do People Opt For Dental Implants

By Harry Izzo

When one wants to make a good first impression one of the first things they care about is how their teeth appear. If meeting new people is difficult, most individuals blame how their teeth look. Over time our teeth get discolored or because of an accident we either lose them or damage them permanently. They act like a calling card and are the basis for people's first impression of us.

Times were a lot tougher years ago when people lost their teeth. Their only option was dentures or bridges. Even though they fixed the problem, bridges were only a temporary fix. They are hard to clean; they are hard to reach with simple dental floss. Not being able to clean them led to many periodontal diseases. People suffered from gum disease and bone disease from this less than permanent solution.

Dental implants came along and became the preferred treatment over bridges for this and many other reasons. They were a more permanent answer to a patient's problem. They were less costly because they needed to be replaced less often than bridges. One very important factor was that they were also made of much better material. With them you can enjoy eating, speaking, or chewing many years as if they were your natural set of teeth.

Dental implants never decay and that makes them a great solution. Surrounding teeth don't need to support implants so crowns are not necessary. Bridges rely on crowns to hold things in place; with dental implants they are totally unnecessary. With adjacent teeth being a non-factor, patients never have to worry about them decaying.

Dental insurance does not cover implants and this makes the procedure more expensive. But on the positive side, implants last a long time because they are easy to take care of and maintain. Bridges may sound cheaper, but maybe if you're lucky they last the maximum of 10 years. If you're going to invest the money you might as well consider implants as the better option for you. Their success rate is very high and that makes them a very good investment.

Except for diabetics and chain smokers, dental implants are suitable for all patients. Diabetics and smokers have a lower supply of blood in the mouth and it makes it difficult for their implants to fuse with the jawbone.

The odds of your success are also greatly increased by selecting the right cosmetic dentist for this procedure.

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